Death of Tem Merkon (3)
Basic info
First appearance: Crimson Empire I, part 4
Relations: Phaeda
"Thus die all traitors."
- Mirith Sinn
Mirith Sinn and Sish Sadeet started to suspect a traitor among their ranks following Colonel Xexus Shev's attack on their hidden. When word of the bounty on Kir Kanos reached Merkon's ears, he eagerly went to Carnor Jax with information. Upon his return to his hideout, Sinn and Sadeet were waiting for him, his treachery all too apparent. When Merkon tried to escape, he was killed by Lieutenant Massimo, whom he had not noticed in the shadows.
See also
Related units, characters and technologies
Sinn, Mirith
Merkon, Tem
Sadeet, Sish
Complete list
Crimson Empire The Crimson Empire Saga Mirith Sinn (C.MIR5)
Crimson Empire TPB
Crimson Empire HC
The Official Star Wars Fact File
Crimson Empire
The Crimson Empire Saga
Mirith Sinn (C.MIR5)
Tags (8)

Sinn, Mirith | Phaeda | TIE Interceptor | Massimo | Sadeet, Sish | Trandoshan | Kanos, Kir | Merkon, Tem

Events (5)

Battle over Phaeda | Duel in the Squall | Battle of Phaeda | Sinn Dines with Kanos | Mirith Sinn Captured

Events (7)

Battle over Phaeda | Duel in the Squall | Battle of Phaeda | Sinn Dines with Kanos | Mirith Sinn Captured | Massimo's Betrayal | Battle of Cantrell Aftermath

Battle of Phaeda

Last updated: 14.10.2021 21:35:13